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About me

I am Laura Schmerschneider, 35 years old, founder of (f)healing Hands and a state-approved occupational therapist since 2010. I offer classic and mobile massages by arrangement, which can be combined with cupping glass technique, infrared light treatment and kinesio taping. High-quality essential oils can also be used for support.

With over a decade of experience in the medical-therapeutic field and many self-experiences, my focus is on stress prevention, relief from everyday burdens by releasing muscular blockages and sustainable improvement of muscular relaxation.

It is important to me to develop a holistic understanding of each client's complaint situation, whereby transparency and open communication are essential. Silent massages are also possible.

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... and both receive a free head massage as a bonus to your booked massage

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Based on more than a decade of experience, I offer a variety of
I offer massage services that are individually tailored to the needs of my clients.

Classic massage

Enjoy a classic massage in the neck, shoulder, back or leg area. Stimulating the trigger points helps to break down fascial adhesions and promotes increased tissue circulation, digestion and stimulation of the metabolism.

30 Minutes


45 Minutes


60 Minutes


Full body massage

Focus on relaxing and treating the whole body, especially the back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands and feet. This technique strengthens the immune system, reduces stress and improves cell metabolism, while relieving pain and relaxing the connective tissue.

60 Minutes


90 Minutes


Foot reflex zone massage

The human body is reflected in our feet and hands. Through targeted pressure point massage, physical and mental complaints in the rest of the body can be resolved.

30 Minutes


45 Minutes


60 Minutes


Head massage

There are many cranial nerves under the scalp. There are also important acupressure points around the head, neck and ear, which are well supplied with blood through the head massage and are therefore specifically stimulated.

30 Minutes


45 Minutes


Hand massage

Similar to foot reflexology, the hands are also divided into specific zones. Each of these zones is assigned to a specific body region or organ. This can have an effect on the whole organism.

30 Minutes


45 Minutes


Rain Drop Technik

Die Raindrop Technik ist eine außergewöhnliche Entspannungstechnik, die die Kraft von 9 ätherischen Ölen mit der Wirkung einer Massage vereint und auf Jahrhunderte altem Wissen der Lakota Indianer beruht.

70 Minuten



Infrared light


Honorar gem. §4 Nr. 14 UStG von der Umsatzsteuer befreit.

Appointments can be canceled up to 24 hours before the agreed appointment.
Cancellation of appointments on the same day: 50% cancellation fee
Missed appointments: 100% cancellation fee


Business-Massagen bieten eine ideale Möglichkeit, Stress am Arbeitsplatz zu reduzieren und die Produktivität zu steigern. Durch gezielte Techniken werden Verspannungen gelöst und die Durchblutung gefördert, was zu einem verbesserten Wohlbefinden und höherer Leistungsfähigkeit führt. Diese mobilen Massagen können flexibel nach Absprache direkt im Büro durchgeführt werden, um Mitarbeitern eine erholsame Pause zu ermöglichen.

Mitarbeiter-Massagen können nach §3 Nr. 34 Einkommensteuergesetz bis 600€ / Mitarbeiter /Jahr steuerfrei verrechnet werden.


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